Beauty and Positivity Project
Fairly early in the pandemic I thought that people needed something beautiful or positive to think about regularly in order to counteract the negative effects of isolation, lockdown, and disruption of their lives. So I started posting a photo or video each day on my public Instagram account (and replicated to my private Facebook account) to fill that need. I'm over 700 days into this effort so far and I've learned some interesting (and suprising) things in the process.
Visit the Beauty and Positivity Project page for more background information and what I've learned or go right to my Instagram site to view it now.

SARS-CoV-2 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 Tracking and Resources
I've been tracking the SARS-CoV-2 novel coronavirus and resulting COVID-19 disease probably since news reports first began to surface in China about a SARS-like respiratory infection in late 2019. I needed a place to stash links to various online tracking resources and that's how the project page began. As the pandemic progresses I'll likely add other valuable informational items as well.